Book Review: Art of the Grimoire by Owen Davies

Book Review: Art of the Grimoire by Owen Davies The Art of the Grimoire by Owen Davies, is as gloriously ...
Popular Magic cover

Popular Magic: Cunning Folk in English History

Popular Magic: Cunning Folk in English History Owen Davies, Hambledon Continuum, 2007. A densely packed handy reference for all your ...

Church Folklore

Church Folklore Church Folklore, A Record of some Post-Reformation Usages in the English Church, now mostly Obsolete. The Rev James ...

Of Shadows: One Hundred Objects from the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic.

Of Shadows: One Hundred Objects from the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic Simon Costin and Sara Hannat. Strange Attractor Press, ...

Everyday Magic in Early Modern Europe

Everyday Magic in Early Modern Europe, Kathryn A. Edwards. Ashgate 2015 This volume of papers, though led and edited by ...

The Ghost: A Cultural History

The Ghost: A Cultural History 'Ghosts are woven into the very fabric of our lives'. The evolution of a persistent ...

The Decline of Magic: Britain in the Enlightenment

The Decline of Magic: Britain in the Enlightenment Michael Hunter, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2020 The English ...

The Routledge History of Medieval Magic

The Routledge History of Medieval Magic The Routledge History of Medieval Magic Sophie Page & Catherine Rider (Eds) Routledge 2019 ...

A Supernatural War: Magic, Divination, and Faith during the First World War

A Supernatural War: Magic, Divination, and Faith during the First World War A Supernatural War: Magic, Divination, and Faith during ...

Aspects of Anglo-Saxon Magic

Aspects of Anglo-Saxon Magic Aspects of Anglo-Saxon Magic, Bill Griffiths, 1996; reprinted 2012. An immersive and joyously erudite foray into ...

Material approaches to Roman Magic: Occult objects and Supernatural Substances

Material approaches to Roman Magic: Occult objects and Supernatural Substances Material approaches to Roman Magic: Occult objects and Supernatural Substances ...

Mummies Cannibals and Vampires by Richard Sugg

Mummies Cannibals and Vampires by Richard Sugg, Routledge, second edition, 2016. An enormous heap of curious information. Does that suggest ...

Illustrated Symbols and Emblems of the Jewish, Early Christian, Greek, Latin and Modern Churches.

Illustrated Symbols and Emblems of the Jewish, Early Christian, Greek, Latin and Modern Churches. HJ Smith 1900; Kessinger Library Reprints ...

Cursed Britain – A History of Witchcraft and Black Magic in Modern Times

Witchcraft lasted longer than you might think. That is the premise of this study of witchcraft, curses, cunning folk and ...

Newes from Scotland

Newes from Scotland, James Stuart; King James VI of Scotland, 1591. Possibly ghost written by James Carmichael. Bodley Head, reprint, ...

The Archaeology of Ritual and Magic

The Archaeology of Ritual and Magic. Ralph Merrifield, Batsford, 1987 The Daddy of them all. ‘ what is needed is ...

Grimoires, A History of Magic Books

Grimoires, A History of Magic Books. Owen Davies, OUP 2009. ‘...for many down the millennia and across the globe no ...

Magical House Protection: The Archaeology of Counter-Witchcraft

Magical House Protection: the Archaeology of Counter-Witchcraft. Brian Hoggard, Berghahn, 2019. A solidly researched synthesis of the archaeological information to ...

The Book of English Magic

The Book of English Magic. Philip Carr-Gomm and Richard Heygate. Hodder, 2009. Fun and games for a wet weekend in ...

The Handbook of Folklore, Traditional Beliefs, Practices, Customs, Stories and Sayings.

Dull, with intervals of brilliance: The Handbook of Folklore, Traditional Beliefs, Practices, Customs, Stories and Sayings. Charlotte Sophia Burne, London ...

The Discoverie of Witchcraft by Reginald Scot

The Discoverie of Witchcraft, wherein the Lewde dealing of Witches and Witchmongers is notablie detected, in sixteen books ... whereunto ...

Medieval Life: Archaeology and the Life Course

Medieval Life: Archaeology and the Life Course. Roberta Gilchrist, Boydell Press, Woodbridge 2012; paperback 2018. The aim of this book, ...

The Trotula: A Medieval Compendium of Women’s Medicine

The Trotula Edited and Translated by Monica H. Green. University of Pennsylvania Press 2001 An accessible English Translation of the ...

Magic in Medieval Manuscripts

Magic in Medieval Manuscripts, Sophie Page, 2004; expanded hardback edition by British Library 2017. Small but perfectly formed: this books ...

“The noblest monument of English Prose…” The King James Bible

Begun in 1604 and published in 1611, the King James Version became the Authorised Version of the Bible, and has ...

The Folk-lore of Herefordshire – A Classic County Folklore Collection

As part of our series looking at older books, Rebecca Ireland talks about Ella Mary Leather's classic collection of Herefordshire ...

Book Review: Executing Magic in the Modern Era: Criminal Bodies and the Gallows in Popular Medicine

Executing Magic in the Modern Era: Criminal Bodies and the Gallows in Popular Medicine takes an in-depth look at the ...