June Miscellany

June Miscellany Upcoming Events Bodiam Castle graffiti talk Items of Interest Open Air Museum Seeks Witch Posts Medieval graffiti in ...

March Miscellany

March Miscellany Upcoming Events Ritual Building Protection Through Pyro-Technology Hidden Charms 4 Tour of Graffiti in St Bartholomew the Great ...
Roman gravestone at the British Museum

June Miscellany

June Miscellany Upcoming Events Rituals of Hidden Rubbish - I July 2021 - by Wayne Perkins Items of Interest Prehistoric ...
Cross, St Candida & Holy Cross Church, Whitechurch Canonicorum

May Miscellany

May Miscellany Items of Interest French blog post on ritual burn marks How Satan-fearing Scots used apotropaic marks to ward ...

St Martin’s Cathedral, Leicester

St Martin's Cathedral, Leicester Leicester Cathedral was built from the 12th to the 15th centuries and much altered and restored ...