St Barnabas, Great Tey, Essex

St Barnabas church in Great Tey, Essex, immediately shows a long history of building and remodelling. Its massive (in the solid sense) central tower was built in 1160. The chancel and north and south transepts were 14th century changes and additions. Other changes, including shortening the nave, occurred in the 19th century. This makes for a light, attractive church but with a unique layout.

The most significant graffiti is on the font. It has eight shields on its sides. Two have compass daisy wheels on them. The other sides are also marked but it is now impossible to discern what the original marks were.

The only other graffiti is on the organ. It consists of the usual names and initials but with a striking little inscription that informs the reader that ‘Flit is a daft’!

Report by Anthea Hawdon

The church is open during daylight hours. There is on street parking nearby.

St Barnabas
The Street
Great Tey

Search terms: compass circle daisy wheel, concentric circles, initials, names, organ graffiti, font, Kenneth Everett, William, Flit is a daft, medieval graffiti, historic graffiti