February Miscellany

Following last month’s daisy wheel on slate, one of your editors (Linda) now really, really likes pointy things so has been amassing a collection. The one on the right is her favourite, but they’re all interesting and informative you use. More experiments to follow. She now has enough slate for a small shed roof, and is still making circles….
Wall painting in the cloisters of Tulle Cathedral, Corrèze, France, spotted by the long-suffering husband (Graham) of one of your editors (Linda). This appears to show a woman holding a pair of compasses, see above for type. This woman could well be representing Geometry, one of the seven liberal arts of medieval learning, who were often depicted as women holding relevant instruments for each category of knowledge. 

Upcoming Events

Wayne Perkins talk at Treadwells Bookshop, London

Wayne Perkins guided graffiti tour of St Bartholomew the Great Church, London  (Editor’s note (Anthea, this time): there are only a tiny number of City of London churches with any graffiti that survived the Great Fire, Christopher Wren, the Georgians, the Victorians and the Luftwaffe. St Bartholomew the Great has the best selection of graffiti of those surviving churches, so this tour comes highly recommended.

Items of Interest

New Forest Visitors urged to record tree graffiti sightings

Graffiti found in Palace of Westminster

From Twitter

Apotropaic marks in a Scottish music book

Baltic timber marks

Birds on the wall of a church in the Vall de Boi

Early 20th century toilet graffiti in Eastbourne!

Burn marks on Salisbury Cathedral south door

Dateable taper burns in Wiltshire building

National trust tree graffiti

Siena cathedral graffiti